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Arizona man accused of assisting in a suicide in New York charged with manslaughter

Miller, who voluntarily surrendered, pleaded not guilty, posted bail and returned to Arizona, according to his attorney, Jeffrey Lichtman. “He’s an 85-year-old man who simply wanted to provide comfort and counseling to someone who couldn’t live with the pain in their life anymore,” Lichtman said in a phone interview Tuesday. “For his life to end, dying alone in a jail cell in New York, is, frankly, disgusting.”  Lichtman said the woman had “massive, debilitating pain” and had reached out to Miller because of his work with an advocacy group, Choice and Dignity, where he serves on an advisory board. Consultations with the woman had gone on for months and Miller was careful not to violate any statutes, he said. “She didn’t want to be alone,” Lichtman said. “He felt empathy for her.”  Click here to read full article