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Lecretia Seales’ widower makes his case for death with dignity

by Matt Vickers – North & South, March 20, 2019

In Switzerland, providing the means for a person to take their own life is legal if done from non-selfish motives.

‘“Giving access to assisted dying is, in fact, suicide prevention and suicide-attempt prevention.” In Seales v Attorney General, this was upheld by Justice David Collins, based on 100 years of evidence from New Zealand’s coronial records. About 5-8% of all suicides here are people attempting to escape the worst of their medical conditions, killing themselves in awful, lonely and often violent ways.”‘

“It’s not about doing it or not doing it. It’s a choice. There’s an emergency exit door if the worst comes to the worst. I don’t need to go through that door, but it’s good that it’s there.”

-Silvan Luley, Swiss board member of Dignitas

Read More about arguments for medically assisted dying and the status of right to die laws around the world.

Meet Lecretia, an attorney, diagnosed with terminal brain cancer at age 38. She and her family are interviewed in this youTube Video.
Lecretia brought a lawsuit in New Zealand arguing that denying her access to physician assisted death amounted to a breach of her rights and fundamental freedoms under the New Zealand Bill of Rights. She wanted the Court to declare that her doctor would not be convicted of murder or aiding suicide by assisting her to die given the nature of her illness and prognosis.

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